Contact Us

Contact the Metaboverse team using one of the following methods:

Submit and issue or feature request on GitHub

The best method to contact us to through submitting an issue on the Metaboverse GitHub page.
- You will need to log-in to your GitHub account, or create a GitHub account here.
- On the issues page, click the New issue icon.
- You can choose whether to submit a bug or question using the Bug report template, or submit a feature request using the Feature request template.
- Please clearly describe the problem, what you have tried, as well as screenshots of any error information.
- If you are willing to include the datasets used during thei Metaboverse session, please include them in the issue.
- Generally, for any errors occurring during network building, a file named metaboverse_session.log will be output to your specified Output folder. If you receive this file, please upload it to your GitHub Issue.


If you would like to reach us directly via email, please contact Jordan Berg at jordan<dot>berg<at>biochem<dot>utah<dot>edu (replace the symbols within <> with their respective symbol).


After July 31, 2022, please email jordanberg17<at>gmail<dot>com. Please also include an informative email subject line, such as “Metaboverse issue”.